Monday, December 11, 2017

From a thought

By Kortney Summers
I am from a thought of having a second child.
I am the product of Jessica and Royal T.
I am from the city of Winchester.
I am from the state of Virginia.
I am from the United States.
I am from North America.
I am from the Earth.

Now let’s go back to the beginning.

“I am from a thought of having a second child” is because I have an older sister, Kaitlyn, who was born 2 years before me. I came from after the thought of having my sister.

“I am the product of Jessica and Royal T” are my mother and father. My mother is the most important person in my life. She helps me with my issues and gives me the clothes on my back. My father helps support my family by paying the bills and taking care of us.

“I am from the city of Winchester” is the city at the top of Virginia. It is very beautiful and full of life, in most parts.

“I am from the state of Virginia” which is the home of JMU, VCU, UVA, SU, VT, and so forth. Virginia is a state along the east side of the country, which is the next place I am from.

“I am from the United States” which is the land of the free and home of the brave, to some extent. At this time, Donald Trump is the president, and I am actually afraid to see if he keeps that presidency.

“I am from North America” which is the home of people from around the world, even though most people from around the world hate the United States…

“I am from the Earth” which is the planet of life and the planet of 7.6 BILLION people. No other planet is like this planet.

So I came from the Earth, which made North America, which contains the United States, which has Virginia on its east coast, which has this little speck called Winchester, which has two people named Jessica & Royal T., which are my parents, who gave birth to me, and that came from the thought of having a second child.

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