Monday, November 29, 2021

If not for you, for me

Never leave 

Lost in dark

Can't escape

Desperate to comprehend 

Survive the lure 

Envy destruction 

Mourn the chaos

Blame the crashing guilt and cruel brutally 

Question your broken worth and dangerous manipulations 




If not for you,

For me 

In desperation and confusion

When darkness is caving in



If not for you,

For me 

When pain becomes too much to bear

And you think vanishing will bring relief 



If not for you,

For me 

Your life is precious whether you think it is or not 

And I know you need me but I need you just as much



If not for you…..

For me 

-Becca Holloway

Monday, November 15, 2021

Ode to Bubbles: A character review

Revisiting 'The Wire' Characters Part 9 - Bubbles - Pop Culture Spin
“ Ain't nothing wrong with holding on to grief. As long as you make room for other things too.”

By Tristan Pagan

"The Wire" is a show about sleezy people doing bad things to line their pockets with money and good people being forced to compromise on their values. The show has often been acclaimed for its grey morality and it lacking a hero in the traditional sense. You could say the hero is McNulty, who we follow for all five seasons and is always actively hunting the drug dealers in the show, but he is an active womanizer motivated as much by his own ego as catching the bad guys.

Omar, the Robinhood figure, adheres to a strict code of killing no innocent people but murders several drug dealers throughout the show and keeps all the money.

Every character on the show has their flaws. One character overcomes them: Reginald “Bubbles” Cousins.

Bubbles starts the show as a drug addict. We meet him when he and his friend Johnny are coming up with a scheme to use fake money to pay for drugs. This scheme works the first time but the second time it gets his friend Johnny beat up and put in the hospital. That is where he is approached by his friend Kima to work as an informant to help bring down the gang that beat up Johnny. The way Bubbles is introduced is genius because it shows that Bubbles is not just a drug addict. His money scam is pretty smart as he makes sure there is real money mixed in with the fake. He shows this intellect throughout the series. He shows an emotional intelligence and entrepreneurial spirit by selling stolen t-shirts and other items to people. His drug addiction is not something that happened because he was too dumb to work a normal job. He cares about Johnny enough to keep him out of harm's way and becomes an informant just to get revenge on the people who beat him up.

Bubbles is also a people person who suffers more than most characters in the series. There is a scene where McNulty takes Bubbles along with him while he picks up his kids and Bubbles attempts to shake hands with McNulty's ex wife but she refuses to shake hands with him and gives him a dirty look.

Viewers know Bubbles is a decent person who is struggling with addiction, but society doesn’t and ultimately doesn’t care about Bubbles. They see him as nothing but a dope fiend. Which leads to his rock bottom.

In Season 4, Bubbles adopts a kid named Sherrod, another homeless addict. After Sherrod overdoses, Bubbles turns himself into the police and confesses to a murder.

In one of the saddest scenes in the series he tells one of the cops there that he took care of Sherrod because he thought he could be a father to him and wanted to convince himself that he was a better person than he was. He wanted to convince himself that he wasn’t another dope fiend.

In Season 5, Bubbles has gotten sober. He lives with his sister and works selling newspapers and in a soup kitchen.

Worth noting is Bubbles' relationship with his sister. He lives with her but she makes it a rule that he must live in the basement and leave the house when she is not around. It makes sense why his sister would want to be at arm's length with him. At one point, he sold all her silverware to get money for drugs.

But for all the bad stuff that happens in the show, Bubbles stays sober throughout Season 5. In the finale scene, we see him go upstairs out of the basement to have dinner with his family. His sister trusts him now.

In the end, Bubbles is the hero of the show not because he helps people, but because he overcomes being an addict and becomes a better person. The show is about institutions failing people and people trying to change but failing. But Bubbles does change and is one of the few characters who gets an unambiguously happy ending. He defies the odds and shows us that even at rock bottom we can still improve ourselves.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

If I were a rich man ...

Q: “If you were absurdly rich, what selfish luxuries would you invest in?”

-Ashley Flores

A: “I would buy a huge house, and a bunch of cool cars. I would donate a little to charity though.” 
- Oliver Friend

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Kahlua cake with Cool Whip

By Joseph San Pietro

Kahlua cake served with ice cream is one of my favorite desserts. My Kahlua cake is a circular cake in the shape of a donut with an indescribable taste almost like chocolate. Topped with powdered sugar right out of the oven, it almost melts in your mouth.

My first time ever having Kahlua cake was during the Easter season years ago. My grandparents invited my whole family over for a party. My grandpa loves Cool Whip, and I mean he loves it. Leave him with a tub of Cool Whip, and he will eat it all. 

I put Cool Whip on my Kahlua cake and realized why he loved this cake and the Cool Whip. I fell in love with the taste. My grandpa had made it the night before and I kept telling him how good it was. He said to me next time he would make it the day of the party so it would be warmer and fresher. By no means was it not fresh the day after; it was just as good, but when it is warm, it’s the best taste in the world. 

Around a year after that, I called my grandparents and asked them for the recipe. They told me the recipe and I went straight to my parents, telling them the recipe and what to get at the store. I made sure to tell them to get Cool Whip. I made the cake and I was sure it would be one of my favorite desserts, if not my favorite. I ate it not long after it came out of the oven. My whole family said it was good. I make it every once in a while now.

That is how I came across Kahlua cake and how I came to love it.

Recipe for Kahlua cake:

The ingredients in Kahlua cake might surprise you. You need 1 15.25 ounce chocolate cake mix box, 1 3-ounce instant vanilla pudding box, 3/4 cup of Kahlua, 1 cup of chocolate chips, 4 large eggs, and 3/4 cup of vegetable oil. That seems pretty normal for a cake but there is one more ingredient:  16 ounces of sour cream. It might sound bad but you should try it. Once baked you can't even taste the sour cream. Pour the cake batter into a bundt pan and bake at 325 degrees for 55-65 minutes.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Tamales Con Champurrado

By Lesly Mendoza Martinez

I don’t have a favorite type of food, because I like all of them. I try new foods to taste different flavors. But if I had to choose one food specifically, it would be “Tamales Con Champurrado.” You may already know what tamales are but might not know what Champurrado is. Champurrado is a type of Chocolate drink that goes along with the meal, Tamales. This is my favorite food because it’s a tradition my family and I also do every Christmas! When the cold comes and where are all waiting till the big pot of tamales heats up on the warm stove. It’s really nice having your whole family with you together. You get to tell jokes and stories while we wait for dinner to be served.

The hot Champurrado gets ready after the Tamales get out of the hot stove. Once the pot is hot, it’s ready to take out. My father has to help my mother get it on top of the table. We then each take time to wash our hands and take a plate ready to serve. We all get excited. My sister grabs the cups while my mother starts serving the Champurrado. I see when my mother pours the chocolate into the cups. My belly starts to rumble and my mouth starts getting watery. When we all are ready to serve, my father opens the big pot. You can see the steam rising as he opens it. Like if the heat was preparing for that moment. We all try to run for the biggest tamale. It’s funny because we are all fighting when we obviously know there’s going to be leftovers. Everyone’s hands are in the air reaching for them. Everyone is grabbing something through the dinner table. I try to get the things I need to start eating. My mother gets the napkins and starts passing them down to us. I get my tamale out of its leaf. The warm smell rises to my face. I get my drink as the others are doing, and sit down till everyone is ready. When we are all ready, we give thanks together. It’s a peaceful time together. Peaceful words are exchanged. Everyone starts to enjoy every bite.

We all focus on eating till my father turns on the TV. We’re already used to my father turning on the television when we are starting to eat. We still eat like if it was the last time we'll eat tamales.  Soon we end up watching a whole movie. During the movie, we eat our second or third tamale. When we finish eating, usually when the movie is about the end, we start getting desert. The dessert is either; bread, cookies, etc., with champurrado. In the end, we are all full and satisfied. We only eat tamales con champurrado once a year, but sometimes my mother sells tamales for people to enjoy as we enjoy them. She has stopped doing that because she has to stay awake till 3-4 in the morning to start preparing them. It takes a long time to prepare them. My sister and I sometimes help her, but she always sends us to sleep once it’s eleven. Even if it takes a lot of work, we still love them!

How to make Tamales (Como hacer Tamales):

Ingredients to prepare the Masa (Ingredientes para preparar la Masa);

4 cups (4 tazas) - Corn masa flour (Harina de maíz/Maseca)

3 cups (3 tazas) - Warm Water (Agua tibia)

1 cup (1 taza) Pork lard (Manteca de cerdo)

1 ½ tsp (1 ½ cdta) - Salt (Sal)

1 tbsp (1 cda) - Baking powder (Polvo para hornear)

TIP: You can subsitute pork lard with vegetable lard or corn oil, as well as the water with your favorite broth, we recommend using chicken or pork broth. (Puede sustituir la manteca de cerdo por manteca vegetal o aceite de maíz, así como el agua por el caldo de tu preferencia, te recomendamos caldo de pollo o cerdo.)

Preparing the Masa (Preparación de la Masa):

In a deep bowl or a mixer bowl, place MASECA Tamal corn masa flour and warm water, knead for 1 to 2 minutes or mix at low speed if using a mixer. Set aside. Then, Pour the lard in a skillet and heat until melted, add salt and baking powder, mix with a whisk or a spoon, set aside, and keep warm. After that, Add warm little by little to the bowl with the masa, kneading constantly; if using a mixer, use medium speed until all the lard is added. Lastly, Continue mixing until the dough is completely integrated, if using a mixer, increase speed and mix for 4 to 5 minutes. Set aside. (En una recipiente hondo o en el tazón de la batidora colocar la harina de maíz MASECA Tamal y en agua tibia, amase muy bien durante 1 a 2 minutos o a velocidad baja si es en la batidora. Reservar. Luego, Vacía la mantec en un sartén y llévelo al fuego para que se funda, agaregue la sal y el polvo para hornear mezclando con ayuda de un bateador u cuchara, consérvese tibia. Despues, Incorpore poco a poco la manteca tibia al recipiente donde está la masa, batiendo de manera constante; si lo hace en la batidora manténga a velocidad media hasta terminar de agarrar la manteca. Al ultimo, Siga batiendo hasta que la masa esté totalmente integrada, si está utilizando batidora aumente la velocidad y bata durante 4 a 5 minutos. Reservar.)