Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Stupid Questions People Ask Me

Q: Why do you cut off your hair?

A: Because long hair gets in my face and it a lot of work to take care of plus I'm lazy.

Q: Why don't you wear makeup?

A: Because I don't want to look like a clown.

Q: Why do you wear baggy clothes if it makes you look more like a boy?

A: Because they are more comfortable.

Q: Why are you so loud all the time?

A: Because I want to be heard.

Q: Why are you so rude?

A: Because I was born without a filter. I say what I'm thinking whether it's rude or not.

Q: Are you happy with who you are?

A: Why do you care? Are you my therapist?

My name is Becca I am who I am and I can't change that so I might as well get comfortable with that now I will never change myself to please others and I will always try to be my best self I know I could do better to keep my mouth shut when I'm thinking something rude I won't make promises that say I am never going to say something that may or may not opened someone cause then I'd have to never talk all I am saying I am going to be me which when people say to be you it's actually really good advice cause there is no one I would rather be.

-Becca Holloway

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