Friday, October 29, 2021

Two-sentence horror stories

I lost my father when I was really young. I wish he’d stop trying to find me.

I always liked talking to my loved ones at night, especially those that’ve passed.
But I’m starting to wish they’d stop answering.

My grandmother used to sleep upstairs when I was younger before she died.
I hope she goes back to sleep soon.
- Alex H.

A pained shriek tore through the air, but it was much closer than the others had been.
I knew I was next. - Rui

“Why is it so dark in here?”
she asked as the blindfold tightened around her face.

A girl reached down the garbage disposal to find a lost spoon.
Giggling, her brother flipped the switch under the sink.

Uncle Bill gave us a new tire for our swingset.
He wouldn’t tell us why he took it off his car.

Walking down the dim hotel hallways always gave me a sinister feeling. The feeling of something evil watching you. Except, it wasn’t just a feeling when a dark slim creature is standing in the flickering lights at the end of the hallway. - Jen<3

As I’m walking home I grow uneasy.
My paranoia was a little too late. - Luna

I was young when I met a tall pale woman with black hair and eyes that seemed to stare down my soul. There isn’t a day that I wish to see those eyes. -SomeWriter

She was always so beautiful.
Too bad I have to stay outside her window while she sleeps.- Marie

Playing with my dog after a long day at school was the best feeling ever. As my dog went to go fetch the ball I started hearing scratching and whining coming from the closet door. - Allie J.

It is pitch black. I can't even see my hand in front of my face. But then I see it. His glowing green eyes lunging towards me. My feet, like cement, won’t budge. - Meg

The feeling crept down my spine, and it felt like my entire body was shrouded in ice and darkness. It was coming, and this was the end of the line for me. -Mallory

A warm night feeling the wind blow on your neck, wrapping around your head, feeling the presence of the unknown. In the dark looking back not knowing what there could be but still feeling the sense you’re being stalked - Angel B.

He took her hand,
Not wanting the night to end
I wonder if he thought the same
When she sliced him from within.

Rose charged through the door
Hurrying to avoid the horde
She closed the door every so slightly
So smooth that it squeaked when closed so tightly
She flinched and froze
Waiting for a noise
When all that surrounded her were arms much like coils.

Two graveyard workers heard a knocking coming from one of the graves.“Shouldn’t we let him out?” asked the young man. The old man just pointed to the date buried which read 1984 and kept walking.
-Tristan P.

As I stood there, I felt a sharp prick in my skin. Suddenly everything went dark and my head started to spin as I fell to the ground.

I went into my daughter’s room to wake her up. I looked up and saw him - her “imaginary” friend.

She chose a card and turned it over. It said, “Beware of your friends as well as your enemies.” - Star

“Aren’t the brightly colored frogs pretty? Go on, you can touch them!”- Laura S.

I was taking a detour down an alley. I felt warm, rancid breath go down my neck. -Fairuza

They say that curiosity killed the Kat,
but they never disclosed where they hid the body.

As his family gradually got smaller and smaller,
Jace noticed that his meals were becoming more succulent by the dish.

"I feel the cold wind and hear moving wheels while I try to open my eyes, but only see darkness in the night sky. I realize I'm chained up to a cage that’s being pulled into the unknown."
-Lesly M.

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